VBF - Voodoo Bbq Franchising
VBF stands for Voodoo Bbq Franchising
Here you will find, what does VBF stand for in Hospitality under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Voodoo Bbq Franchising? Voodoo Bbq Franchising can be abbreviated as VBF What does VBF stand for? VBF stands for Voodoo Bbq Franchising. What does Voodoo Bbq Franchising mean?The based company is located in engaged in restaurants industry.
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Alternative definitions of VBF
- Virginia Bicycling Federation
- Valley Bible Fellowship
- Veterinary Benevolent Fund
- Van Bert Farms
- Visual Batch File
- Visual Batch File
- Verified Bug Fix
- Valley Baptist Fellowship
View 28 other definitions of VBF on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- VCAH Valley Cottage Animal Hospital
- VLA Village Leadership Academy
- VPL Verdant Partners LLC
- VMC Vanguard Medical Center
- VAE Veterans Assembled Electronics
- VICT Venus International College of Technology
- VCCS The Vietnamese Chamber of Commerce in Singapore
- VIS Volkswagen Insurance Services
- VRE Venture Real Estate
- VVN Valley Voice Newspaper
- VOSCJ VOS Construction and Joinery
- VPIG Vision Property Investment Group
- VSP Voyages Services Plus
- VCS Virtual Communication Specialists
- VTC Veterans Trading Company
- VF The Vinyl Factory
- VRJVB Vietnam Russia Joint Venture Bank
- VEC Vital Engineering Corporation
- V2SA V2 Strategic Advisors
- VAG Viva Auto Group